Monday, July 1, 2013


I've been busy, sorry :P
There's a seashell collecting thing! Non-mems can get a costume and one of the seashell prizes, and mems can get everything. The two places where seashells are are in the beach towards the top, and on the island near the fashion show.
Which brings me to my next point. The fashion show always has beach and something else. Both non-mems and mems can level up their judge and contestant (judge up to 10, and contestant up to 250, I think). The only problem is that PEOPLE WILL NOT START. Seriously. It's really annoying. In the normal Top Models, if it gets to five people, normally people will start it (occasionally people don't). But on the beach one, nobody will start. I'm on right now, and I've been waiting for one to start for 15 minutes or so.
The fireworks party starts on Wednesday, for 4th of July. Even more limited items! Ack! It's just celebration after celebration...

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